What are the differences between KuneAgi and existing online democracy tools?
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- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 6-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Affichages : 8297
Compared to existing on-line democracy tools, KuneAgi differentiates itself by:
- a collective and deliberative dimension in the drafting of texts. Instead of having isolated individuals writing proposals in parallel, these individuals cooperate in a dedicated Working Group. This Working Group mobilises fully democratic procedures to deliver a text taking into account the technical competencies, the political values and the legitimate interests of all of its participants
- an orientation towards concrete public policy proposals, including the necessity to define priorities.
Lire la suite : What are the differences between KuneAgi and existing online democracy tools?
Kune Agi : Doing things together
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- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 1-Introduction
- Affichages : 8219
The free software called KuneAgi and being presented on this website provides the technical infrastructure to democratically define:
- the action plan of a cooperative, association or trade union;
- the transformations of a company towards environmental or social sustainability;
- the policies of a (local, regional, national, European) public authority.
In a variant, called Nova-Ideo, it helps defining the investments of a firm, specifically in the fields of innovation, and the problems it should solve.
It networks spontaneous, temporary working groups that operate with highly structured and yet democratic procedures. It generates high quality proposals, able to concretely influence decisions. KuneAgi combines the openness of a Social Network with the structure of Electronic Document Management software. It organises collaborative work and consultation, while supporting unprecedented levels of internal democracy, and therefore of confidence in the procedures and of legitimacy of the outcomes.
KuneAgi is developed and deployed by the CosmoPolitical Cooperative SCE as the software infrastructure underpinning the definition of its public policies.
KuneAgi's main features and functions
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- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 2-Main features
- Affichages : 5392
KuneAgi's main function is to produce innovative, technically valid, politically legitimate and coherent action proposals, in a democratic and co-operative way. These action proposals are ranked in priority order into an action agenda.
The exact nature of these action proposals depends upon that of the organisation using the software. It will be different if this organisation is a politically active organisation, a firm, a public authority or an association / a trade union / a cooperative.
KuneAgi's main features are:
- an unprecedented level of internal democracy, at the three key steps of initiative, amendment and ranking of proposals
- the innovativeness of the action agenda
- the quality of the action agenda, in terms of technical validity, political legitimacy and coherence
- the possibility to detect the best contributors, and therefore the new talents in the organisation.
How is the KuneAgi software being developed?
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- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 5-Software development
- Affichages : 5365
KuneAgi is a free, libre and open-source software, freely available for all to download here, according to the GNU Affero - GPL v.3 licence. It is being developed on the basis of a PhD thesis in computer science submitted at the University of Lille, and of an existing, detailed, 146-pages long, functional specification, using free, open source code.
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