- Détails
- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 1-Introduction
- Affichages : 8218
The free software called KuneAgi and being presented on this website provides the technical infrastructure to democratically define:
- the action plan of a cooperative, association or trade union;
- the transformations of a company towards environmental or social sustainability;
- the policies of a (local, regional, national, European) public authority.
In a variant, called Nova-Ideo, it helps defining the investments of a firm, specifically in the fields of innovation, and the problems it should solve.
It networks spontaneous, temporary working groups that operate with highly structured and yet democratic procedures. It generates high quality proposals, able to concretely influence decisions. KuneAgi combines the openness of a Social Network with the structure of Electronic Document Management software. It organises collaborative work and consultation, while supporting unprecedented levels of internal democracy, and therefore of confidence in the procedures and of legitimacy of the outcomes.
KuneAgi is developed and deployed by the CosmoPolitical Cooperative SCE as the software infrastructure underpinning the definition of its public policies.
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- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 1-Introduction
- Affichages : 9006
To do something means to transform one's environment, society, humans, matter or information, at a specific moment in History, with the intention of improving or of repairing something.
- Détails
- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 1-Introduction
- Affichages : 7239
The online software KuneAgi will be used in three areas of this "acting together": (1) to define the action programme of associations, trade unions or cooperatives, including politically active organisations, (2) to define the actions of companies towards environmental or social sustainability, and (3) to support the participatory democracy approaches of public authorities.
- Détails
- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 1-Introduction
- Affichages : 7180
Together means that:
- the discussion mobilises the capabilities and the knowledge of all, in the construction of a network-based collective intelligence