- Détails
- Écrit par Administrator
- Catégorie : 3-How does the software work?
- Affichages : 27865
Concretely, the KuneAgi software operates in the following way:
- any member of the human collective involved has the right to propose an action (e.g a Public Policy Proposal), around a written, structured and indexed document. The indexing meta-data specifies the issue and its scope of the Action Proposal. By doing so, s/he attempts to gather a Working Group around his/her Action Proposal. The Action Proposal may very well be redundant with one already being worked upon, under the principle that "nobody owns a subject"
- each new Action Proposal is subject to the distributed moderation performed by a group of randomly selected Members of the platform. This procedure prevents the moderation from being concentrated in the hands of a small number of people controlling this essential function.
- the members that are interested by the issue and the scope described in the Action Proposal gather in an ad hoc, temporary Working Group, that aims at improving, amending and validating the initial Action Proposal. The legitimacy of this Working Group is assured by the fact that the number of its really Active Participants is sufficient. Only those Action Proposal who were validated by a large enough Working Group are allowed to be published
- Once the Working Group considers that its work is finished, il publishes the resulting Action Proposal, in order to collect the Support Tokens by other members of the collective, and dissolves (its Active Members may then freely dedicate themselves to another Action Proposal, together or separately).
- each Member of the platform has a finite number (typically: 7) of revertible Support Tokens. S/he can allocate his/her Support Tokens to the Action Proposals that s/he considers of highest priorit. S/he can change his/her mind and allocate his/her Support Token to different Action Proposals at any time, as new Action Proposals are published, or as new priorities emerge - within the quantitative limits of his/her stock of Support Tokens. In allocating his/her Support Tokens, s/he verifies the compliance of the Action Proposal with the foundational texts of the platform users (e.g. a political Manifesto). The number of External Supports by Members of the collective granted to the Action Proposals ranks them into a coherent hierarchical order, which can be sorted by themes (e.g. political fields of action), by using the indexing meta-data, to build a structured action programme (e.g. a political programme).
- Identity control and indelible reputation prevent multiple voting by the same natural person and trolling behaviours.
The whole system works autonomously, with no need for an administrator, and therefore with no risk of having speech or power being confiscated by this administrator (or by those commanding him/her).