Isn't it de facto reserved to a specific social category? Wouldn't it exclude the working class?
It is necessary, in order to participate in the design of Action Proposals using KuneAgi, to write, to structure one's thinking, to present arguments and to have an access to the Internet. It may therefore appear that its usage is reserved to some social categories, whose members developed these capabilities.
It is however possible to consider KuneAgi in a different way. The design of public policies and of corporate strategies currently is concentrated in very narrow social circles, of high-ranking civil servants and politicians and managing directors of firms. KuneAgi extends the participants to these reflections to a much broader circle, of all those that have a capacity to produce and exchanges well-grounded arguments in a discussion. This circle probably does not represent the whole population. However, it is broader, much broader than that of the current elite, by a factor in the order of more than a thousand. The ultimate objective of having absolutely the whole population participating in the design of public policies and corporate strategies certainly is not reached with KuneAgi. However, this software is a (huge) leap in the right direction.